Gaming And Sleeping: Two Opposites In Need Of Compromise.

Source: Stimpack

Is it just me or is it that everytime that I go to bed, there is always someone, someone, still awake? The reality is that it happens every night; there is always someone gaming out. Now yes, dorms are naturally loud and the walls are thin. But does that explain why people stay up playing video-games until midnight or longer? 

The problem simply is that there are too many people who are not aware of the noise they are creating.

This statement alone is pretty generous. They could be oblivious or willfully ignorant. Maybe deep down inside these particular individuals don’t give a flying f*ck about anyone else in the dorm. Just as an example, I once talked to a person in the dorm at around 11:30 pm. I told them that it would be nice if they could be mindful of yelling “let’s go” or “oh shit” too often. This particular individual said that it doesn’t matter because people always stay up at this time and that I should get used to it.

Source: Gulf News

Now, I get it. “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” In all honesty, I’ve gotten used to staying up at around 11:00 pm before falling asleep. However, what bothers me the most is the lack of respect. There are MULTIPLE PEOPLE living in the dorm. It’s not just one person. I’m perfectly fine with someone staying up late to do their things. That is none of my business. What is my business is when someone takes little effort to be quiet at night. Like one dorm parent would say, “there is no problem staying up late, but you should not ruin the opportunity for others to sleep. It’s all about respect.” 

And to those who say that screaming to video games is unavoidable, I would argue that it is do-able. Trust me, I’ve been there. The noise-canceling headphones make it really hard for one to hear how much noise they create. But the reason why people yell during video games is that they need to release their mental and physical tension. There are quiet ways to do this, but maybe they just don’t know how. This is just a thought and it might be a new concept for some people, so I’ll explain it in simple words. You. Can. Scream. Quietly. I know, that’s huge, but it is do-able!

All one has to do is yell but not engage the vocal cords. One just lets out a shout of air without actually screaming! In other words, all one needs to do is whisper-scream. It really does not take that much effort and it will still let one get the air out and release some tension without bothering others. Another thought is that one can tense their muscles instead of slamming the desk. If that doesn’t work I’d suggest one or two anger-management classes.

Now all of these things seem backed up with logic. But…I do have a hill to die on with this. The people who spend their time playing video games or whatever they do up late at night are the same people who look completely sleep-deprived and often complain about not getting enough sleep. Well, maybe if these people didn’t have such a messed up sleep schedule, they can actually have a chance at getting enough sleep! And on that note, maybe if these people go to sleep earlier, they will also have enough energy to, ya know, function!

Source: The Art of Living Foundation

Maybe it’s just me, but I find it really hard to engage in a logical conversation when the other is sleep-deprived. And often, they will look at me and think I complain too much. Look who’s talking! They are the ones who get up and see school as a chore! The nerve! I just can’t stand when people don’t recognize that they might be contributing to their own problems.

Regardless, At the end of the day, or rather the night, I don’t want to have to come knocking on one’s door to quiet them down. It’s not a fun experience for me or for the other person. I just want mutual respect, a compromise. I will stay quiet and not bother anyone on the condition that the people who decide to stay up late keep the noise within their own room. Simple and easy.


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