The Unbearable Heat in the Dorms

The solution is simple – it’s on the walls already

It’s officially summer, and with that comes beach days, pool parties, and all sorts of fun things. However, there’s also an occasionally unfortunate consequence: there are times when the heat just becomes uncomfortable.

In many of our homes, we can just enjoy the controlled climate and just set our thermostat to 78 F and call it a day.  However, at Govs we don’t seem to have this privilege.

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I remember at Govs there were several days when I couldn't sleep because of how hot my room was. It was intense: the nights were gradually getting hotter and hotter, and I didn’t have a fan and there was only so much that opening my window could do. I’d spam the down button on the thermostat, hoping and praying that the temperature drops, but nothing happened. And I’m far from the only one who has these concerns; a lot of my friends were baking in the oven called Perkins along with me. I believe that having a moderate temperature is very important for an environment like Govs and the school should take air conditioning and indoor climate control more seriously, especially with air circulation and the risk of COVID in closed environments.

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Many people in the dorms have fans that they can use to cool their room down, but this is an option that is often ineffective. First, Govs doesn’t note the need for fans in its “Boarding Student Essentials” list, and many people are in a position in which they have to order everything at the beginning of the year and it’s inconvenient to try to order something later into the school year. Further, there’s only so much that a fan could do. Most window fans tend to just blow the hot air from the outside into your room, and if you live on the top floor you can more or less resign your sanity. And some people also find it uncomfortable to have a smaller fan blowing off their dresser and right into their face, which is very understandable.

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That being said, what solutions could Govs have towards this issue? I think the answer is pretty straightforward: fix the already-in-place thermostats that they have in the rooms. The answer to our issue is right on the wall, so just settle that so that we can get a good night’s sleep and perform better on our tests.  


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